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Welcome to the Academy of Ministry and Leadership.  A two year program for creating leaders of the future.

This program is an Academy 3-13 program created for the Taking Ground family of churches. Our goal is to create leaders for the future in line with our 2020 vision.


Training men and women for God's work is a vital part of our mandate as a family of churches. As part of the 2020 vision process we are coordinating a fresh approach, seeing churches and our region, in partnerships with other training providers, working together to produce leaders for all that God is calling us to do.


Our Goal is to release leaders, that are competent in character, ministry and theology to lead churches, mission teams and other initiatives. This is an ambitious goal and we in Taking Ground are working together as churches to reach this goal.

Application Form
Academy Business Brochure
Academy Church Brochure

Academy 3-13 | Taking Ground | Academy of Ministry and Leadership

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