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What is the course?

It is a two-year part-time course in Leadership & Management ( QCF level 7 - equivalent to a vocational Postgraduate qualification)

How does the course run?

It is an extremely flexible part-time course run over two years: Fixed hours will include an evening per week (initially 3 times a month then fortnightly after the first 16 weeks), a mid week evening small group each week plus case specific training 6 times per year (a Friday evening and Saturday daytime).  Flexible hours will amount to approximately 12 hours per month (this can be with projects). You can easily fit this around your regular employment (even if working shifts)

Who is the course for?

Anyone that is desiring personal development to this high level in the area of leadership and management. The course is aimed at high calibre people with abilities and strengths in leadership/management but who have the desire to be stretched in their professional development so that they reach their full potential in the workplace. Age is not a factor but the ability to fulfill the course will be assessed at an interview (academic ability / experience etc.)


How much is it?

£5750 for businesses (this is the total inclusive cost for the two years ). There is a subsidised costs for church individuals of £2500.

What is so unique about this course?

It is a two-year part-time course in Leadership & Management (QCF level 7) This course will not only equip you in the workplace but will be beneficial in all areas of your life. The qualification is a professionally recognised qualification that is highly sought after. Where else can you train (developing and using your talents and strengths) to not only advance your professional skills but also acquire such an excellent qualification....for such a low total cost? The course will have tailor made (3rd sector) projects for you to fulfill which will take you to a higher level, take your professional skills to a higher level, advance your experience, challenge you and create a quality end product.


So what does the course contain?

It is based around three key areas; Job function / example and competence. You will have a personal mentor to work with (shaping personal strengths, skills and leadership). You will have a specific area to develop eg; project management, improving organisational performance, supporting the culture of an organisation, pioneering a new business (plus lots more). You will become extremely competent in developing a business plan, setting strategies/direction and goals, producing results, managing and leading change in an organisation. You will receive training to a high level (using a variety of national material). You will be part of a specific leadership small group covering aspects like self-leading, leading others, leading projects, connecting with others, mentoring others, pastoral care, speech and writing etc.

Academy 3-13 | Taking Ground | Academy of Ministry and Leadership

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